Make Sleepy Hollow Safe for Pedestrians
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Holmes Run Road in Falls Church is an extremely busy road that is currently unsafe for pedestrians and bicyclists. After years of raising our concerns about the safety issues there has been no meaningful improvement. We formally ask that Fairfax County and the Commonwealth of Virginia to take immediate action to correct this dangerous situation and make our neighborhood streets safe for pedestrians and bicyclists of the greater Falls Church area.
The resident of Fairfax County who are the signers of this petition believe:
- Holmes Run Road is extremely busy and unsafe for children and adults to walk, bicycle, or otherwise travel on;
- Vehicles regularly speed on Holmes Run Road;
- Vehicles regularly do not stop at the stop signs along Holmes Run Road;
- Children, their parents, and all neighbors throughout the greater Falls Church Community should be able to safely walk or bicycle to:
- School (including but not limited to Sleepy Hollow Elementary),
- Parks (including but not limited to Sleepy Hollow Park),
- Shopping (including but not limited to the shops and restaurants along Route 50 from Annandale Rd. east to South St.),
- Church (including but not limited to the new Church currently under construction adjacent to South St.),
- Walk their dogs, and to
- Visit neighbors throughout Sleepy Hollow and the greater Falls Church community;
- Children and their parents should not have to wait for the school bus by standing unprotected on dangerous roads because there is no safe place to wait for a bus. Instead people should be able to wait for the school bus on a safe sidewalk with a curb;
- Many more neighbors would walk, jog, or bicycle throughout the community if there were safe pedestrian passageways that have sidewalks;
- There are publicly-owned lands and public rights of way along Holmes Run Road that should be used for the public's benefit as sidewalks;
- Having a safe roads with sidewalks on Holmes Run Road would significantly increase the quality of life of not only the Sleepy Hollow neighborhood, but would also benefit the greater Falls Church community; and
Therefore we ask:
- Fairfax County to immediately and regularly post Police on and near Holmes Run Road to enforce speed limits;
- Fairfax County to immediately and regularly post Police on and near Holmes Run Road to enforce cars coming to a full stop at posted stop signs;
- Fairfax County to actively enforce vehicles stopping when school buses are loading and unloading children throughout our neighborhood and the greater Falls Church community; and
- Fairfax County and VDOT to immediately begin the process of adding sidewalks where there are publicly-owned rights of way along the length Holmes Run Road. Sidewalks are urgently needed and their addition will greatly improve pedestrian safety and and positively affect the residents of the Sleepy Hollow neighborhood and the greater Falls Church community.