Make school fun again

Sacred Heart Primary School has suffered a massive change in the past few years and we ( the parents/guardians ) feel that it is beginning to have a negative impact upon our children's education and emotional wellbeing. The regular changes within the management team alone have caused a worrying concern regarding the instability of pupil policies and teaching standards. Whilst we do agree that letters have been sent out with intent to re-assure us that the school is working hard to ensure that staff issues are not affecting the children's education, the majority of us feel that this has not shown any truth as our children have regularly returned home from a school day displaying upset and frustration. We strongly believe that the constant reduction in "FUN" school activities has played a huge part in this matter. It is a known fact that children learn most when they are having fun and at Sacred Heart Primary School our children are telling us themselves that this is not something they are doing. It is not our intention to have the school remain the same in all matters forever, as we know that times change and often it can be for the better. However, we have seen a huge reduction in school seasonal performances and celebrations, after school or lunchtimes clubs have disappeared, in class reward schemes seem to have stopped at least in some year groups anyway, and the quality of school trips has shown a great decline. Our children no longer have any incentive to work towards and it is displayed within their work. Therefore, we would like to ask that a significant measure is taken to offer us, the parents/guardians, some more grounded reassurances that our opinions and needs are being taken into consideration.
What do we want from this?
* More school sport/hobby clubs
* bigger focus on seasonal performances throughout the school
* Re-introduction of reward schemes such as golden time and attendance awards
* Better quality educational visits