Make Route 70 in New Jersey Safe
Every single year, there are 5-10 fatal car accidents, 50-70 severe accidents and close to 200 accidents on the two lane, unlighted road, which is the main artery between Philadelphia / Western New Jersey and the Jersey Shore. This road has been virtually unchanged since the 1930s so is inappropriate for use in 2012.
Visit this google map to get an idea of the accident clusters from 2010 to present.
However, the creation of Safe Corridors along Rt 70 has not made it into the New Jersey Transportation Investment Candidates for a Federal Transportation Infrastructure Stimulus Package “wish list” or the Draft FY 2013 Transportation Capital Program New Jersey Department of Transportation Projects. Safe Corridors will widen the roads, put up barriers, double traffic fines, educate the public and install solar powered street lights.
Sign this petition today, and urge your friends to, in order to find a sustainable solution to make Rt 70 safe.