Port Weller Residents Association 0


263 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Port Weller Residents Association 0 Comments
263 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We, the Citizens of St. Catharines, strongly believe the wording in the current Bromley subdivision agreement leaves our Port Weller East community susceptible to an unsafe environment by permitting large, heavy construction equipment on neighbourhood streets during the construction phase. We hereby request:

1) that City Council shall pass a by-law on June 28, 2021 stating that Northrup Crescent will be the exclusive construction vehicle access for the Bromley Gardens subdivision until every dwelling unit is fully constructed and the subdivision is full completed;

2) that the by-law shall contain a substantial fine/penalty for each occurrence of any construction vehicle using Port Weller East residential streets for ingress and egress into the subdivision instead of using Northrup Crescent, enforceable by the City's By-law Officers;

3) that City Staff shall be directed by City Council to register this by-law forthwith on the title to of all of the Lots and Blocks in the Bromley Gardens subdivision plan 30M-462, in order for all interested parties and purchasers to have notice of this by-law, as it shall have the effect of superseding the existing condition in the Bromley Gardens subdivision agreement regarding temporary construction access.

(For reference: The following list details the volume of heavy equipment still to come during the construction of the subdivision in Port Weller East)

---concrete trucks plus forming machines for pouring curbing

---paving equipment for first surface asphalt

---truckloads of asphalt

---excavators to dig out basements

---truckloads of basement soil hauled away

---concrete trucks back to pour basement floors

---truckloads of wood forms for basement walls

---concrete trucks back to pour basement walls

---wood forms removed and hauled away

---trenching equipment and materials for sewer/water connections from every building to main lines

---building up starts; truckloads of wood for floors, walls

---larger trucks for roof trusses

---trucks for bricks and siding

---hydro lines/connections to each home

---trucks for shingles

---more trucks for windows and doors

---more trucks for drywall

--sod trucks

---street light installation.

This list does not include the vast number of tradespeople – plumbers, electricians, painters, flooring, kitchen/bath experts, and HVAC specialists that will be coming and going throughout the construction.We cannot have these vehicles on Parkside, Lakeside and Stepney when we already have access via Northrup. Thank you for supporting our cause. You can also email the Mayor and Council direct at this email: mayorcouncil@stcatharines.ca

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