Make Martial Arts Businesses Essential

Disclaimer: We are not collecting any donations for this cause and your email will not be shared for any solicitations.
The purpose of this petition is to improve access to martial arts schools and gyms by categorizing them as essential businesses.
Due to the onset of COVID-19, many such facilities have been shut down or have had their operations heavily restricted. We believe martial arts schools are an ideal solution as they provide physical and mental health benefits, as well as improved confidence to a nation that is in desperate need.
Studies prove that even moderate exercise has a significantly positive impact on patients that contract COVID-19. Active muscles produce chemicals that improve immune functioning and decrease inflammation. These are the main causes of lung damage that occurs from coronavirus infections.
In addition to the positive physical effects martial arts training has on individuals, the mental benefits could be even greater.
According to a CDC report from August, the number of individuals who reported at least one adverse mental health or addiction related struggle has doubled since the onset of the virus. A major factor is the social isolation people are experiencing since the mandated quarantine.
Martial arts fosters personal connections and supports the need for community that is essential to one’s mental health. Joining a martial arts community isn’t helpful, it’s essential.
Finally, martial arts training gives people the security and confidence to protect themselves in a non-violent manner. Given the current environment over the past few months in particular, individuals are growing even more concerned for their own safety.
Martial arts training provides a responsible, non-aggressive outlet for people to build confidence through methods that avoid violence. Now is the time to teach our communities to avoid conflict in a healthy and effective way.
We ask for your support to improve access to martial arts schools and gyms by categorizing them as essential businesses. These facilities offer solutions by improving physical health, fostering community connections, and encouraging non-violent conflict resolution.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter!
Disclaimer: We are not collecting any donations for this cause and your email will not be shared for any solicitations.