johanna marrero 0

"Make mad the guilty and appall the free" W.S.

26 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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26 people have signed. Add your voice!
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This petition is to request compensation in the amount of $75,000 for the damages caused to my family …physical, moral, emotional ,and monetarily.

The poor quality of life in the building lodge at 300 Genesee St. Rochester, NY.14611

The company name responsible is:

Heritage Park Properties Madison Theater LLC.

Failing to comply with the housing habitability guarantee.


1-Johanna Marrero-38 years old


Diagnosed with fibromyalgia, depression, asthma, sinusitis, anxiety, panic attacks, allergies, dermatitis, gastrointestinal reflux, insomnia, migraines, chronic pain, stress, vitamin D deficiency and an infection caused by fungi.

2-K.T.B.Marrero-19 years old


Diagnosed with major depression disorder, panic attacks, stress, hallucinations , psychotic disorder with suicidal attempts.

3-M.X.Marrero-5 years old

Diagnosed with allergies, asthmatic cough and skin infection.

Description of property

1-Infestation of cockroaches, mice, bedbugs, bats, spiders, ants, and mosquitoes.

2-Paint contaminated with lead.

3-Hot water interrupted.

4-Defective smoke detectors.

5-Emergency lights unusable.

6-Inadequate bathroom, sink, toilet and bathtubs

7-Electrical ventilators broken.

8-Heating radiators broken with leaks of water causing flooding.

9-Elevator in very bad condition, no mirror, the emergency phone does not work.

10-Intercom of many apartments does not exist, my apartment have a piece of wood in the wall instead.

11-The walls and ceiling are full of fungi, corrosion and old paint patch.

12-Cabinets are broken, old and infected by cockroaches and mice.

13-Leaks of water on the walls and ceilings.

14-Sink and bath knobs are not working property.

15-Cracked roofs with lots of water.

16-Holes in floors and walls.

17-Doors and locks in very bad conditions.

18-Neighboring boards are prohibited.

19-The staff charging rent money days prior the date establish in the contract.

20-Threatned with papers on 1 of the month arguing the office will be closed and fees will be charged.(The office is always closed)

21-Persuade emotionally affected people by threatening them to make the move out whenever he want it.

22-Intervenes with visitors rudely and I very aggressive behaviors.

23-The halls has bats.

24-Bedbugs infestation cause us lost most of our new properties.

beds, mattress, furniture, clothes, shoes, curtains, bedding, toys, etc.

25-All the detergents I have been exposed to use to decontaminate aggravated my respiratory health.

26-All electrical plug-ins are blocked with old paint, many of them are too old and does not work.

27-The lamps have electrical cuts.

28-The windows screens are too old what make impossible to open the windows with out made some damages. They don’t come out because they are attached to the walls with screws , made them impossible to clean.

29-Chipped paint in all the windows and walls.

30-The stairs, the walls, of the corridors are in very poor conditions.

31-Many of the carpets are very old, storing lots of mites.

32-Around the building there rotting garbage , fungi, dry leaves, broken gates, with corrosion.

33-Any business deliveries agencies are not able to enter the building and the intercom its blocked by another door.

34-The company is involved in fraud to Department of Social Services.

35-Infestation experts have never been fumigating the building.

36-We have had false alarms of fire, also the building does not provide any extinguisher in case of being necessary in some emergency.

37-Some parts of the building are closed because landslides.

38-Does not provide receipts when the rent is paid at the moment.

Residents have to wait days…some of them never got it.

Also they does not provide information about security deposits ,

They comes very angry when residents ask for their deposits.

They give false bank information papers to the residents.

39-They considered their self people who can fix everything ,but they don’t,

they just don’t want to paid for any repairs, not even the ones that residents do.

40-The remedy used by this staff for cockroaches was gel , scattered in places of full contact with food

and where children can have full contact.

They left a block of poison for mice next to my stove where my daughter (M.X.M) 5 years old find

it, fortunately she did not touch it, they never notified me anytime of such of that action.

Obviously they acted with premeditation and treachery against my family, for reasons of revenge

for having made due complaints to the inspectors offices.

With this public complaint We call for justice to any entity that has the authority to exercise the law.

Nonetheless ,We appeal to all who have knows our situation and agree that our rights as citizens of

The United States of America were trampled underfoot.

Our humans rights were violated by depriving us of a good quality of life.

Being poor and disabled it is not a crime.

With all the above, We ask for the support by signing your name helping us and the others to stop this company and prevent futures victims , by closing their buildings and take them to the courts and process all the responsible by laws.

A percent of the amount request will be donated to the residents to help them with their lost.

We appreciate very much your time , your understanding, and your support.

In God I trust, Bless You All

Johanna Marrero and all others.

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