Make Joe Hildebrand apologise
Aidan Hanson 0

Make Joe Hildebrand apologise

91 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Aidan Hanson 0 Comments
91 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Joe Hildebrand has made a “joke” about “killing two vegans with one stone” during a segment on his show Studio10. He was then applauded for his remark and it was swept under the rug! We want the producers to either make him publicly acknowledge and apologise for his remarks or boot him from the show! We aim to prove that these remarks, were they aimed at a different community such as a religious group, would’ve been handled differently and Mr. Hildebrand would’ve been forced to be held accountable, but since it is a minority group such as the vegan society, it was laughed off as no big deal! Therefor we aim to show everyone that making “jokes” such as the one Mr. Hildebrand made, aimed towards anyone, should not and will not be tolerated by us!

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