Make it Count
Bella Crysler 0

Make it Count

Bella Crysler 0 Comments
136 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Each year, Nepean high school awards a select few dedicated grade 12 athletes who have participated in 11 or more sports teams over their time at NHS the "Nepean N" award. Achieving this award is a big deal, taking dedication, time, and a deep love for athletics as a whole. Only certain sports teams are counted towards the Nepean N, though, and unfortunately the cheerleading team is not. The cheerleading team practices year round, starting up in September and continuing until May when they compete in a provincial competition in Toronto. Team members attend early morning practices twice a week at a local gym, and training is hard from start to finish. Last year, the team came first in their division in their final competition.

By signing this petition you are saying that you are in agreement that cheerleading should be recognized by the school as a sport counting towards the Nepean N.

Thank you for your time and participation.

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