Make Hult IBS, Boston a bottled water free campus

Hult IBS, Boston Campus Leadership
The following document is a petition from the Hult IBS, Boston student community to transform our campus to a bottled water free location. In the same regard we present to you the following facts -
Assuming that one person buys one bottle of water a day, and that we have a total of 300 members in our community (MBA + MIB + Faculty) we have come across some startling statistics about bottled water –
-- The Hult community consumes close to 100,000 water bottles a year
-- Out of these, close to 85,000 are not recycled in a proper manner
-- To purchase this bottled water, we are spending close to $140,000 a year
-- If we switch to tap water, the cost incurred would be $50 per annum – not per student but for the whole community.
Many educational establishments like Harvard, Cornell, Berkeley, Princeton have already implemented similar initiatives with outstanding results.
We would like to thank you for your support in transforming our campus in a cleaner and greener place.
Thank you,
Hult International Business School, Boston Community