Make Medusa Gorgon Skatelights Mandatory

This petition is to help pass laws to make Medusa Gorgon Skatelights mandatory on skateboards. Medusa Gorgon Skatelights are a safety device made up of LED lights enabling skate boarders to be seen when skating in the streets in low light conditions or after dark.
Most places in the U.S. have local laws requiring bicycles to be equipped with lights and reflectors to make riders more visible at night and prevent them from being hit by vehicles. We want skateboarders to have that same level of protection.
Skatelights make skaters visible after dark and help prevent them from being struck by cars causing serious injuries and even death. Skate boarders are 7 times more likely to be struck by motor vehicles when skating after dark. On average, 2 skaters are killed every week from being struck by vehicles at night. The average age of these skaters is approximately 8-16 years old.
Gorgon Skateboards, LLC, has created the first practical application of an LED light safety device that easily snaps on and off of any skateboard wheel. The LED lights fit on the wheels of any regular skateboard, long board, small boards and even roller skates. There is no need to get a new board or even a new wheel. Medusa Skatelights easily snap on or off of any existing skateboard wheel. These safety lights do not require any tools to apply to the skateboard wheel. Anyone, even young children, can easily snap the safety light on to the nut that holds the skateboard wheel to the board.
Also, these lights do not require batteries. As the wheel spins, the device lights up with self-generating power.
Please help save lives by signing our petition to make these safety skate lights mandatory on skateboards. It requires only a name and email. Your information will be used only to show our lawmakers support for passing laws that will help keep children and all skate boarders safe on our streets.
Thank you to everyone for your support in helping to reduce the incidence of vehicle/skate board accidents and to help save lives!