Free Glasgow University Campus from Lads' Mags
Lads' Mags aren't great are they? What with playing a destructive role in the normalising of the porn and sex industries, which are explicitly and complicity participating in the abuse and objectification of women.They also play a role in our society's rape culture. A recent study showed that most people cannot tell the difference between language used in lads mags and that of convicted rapists. So, definitely not great.
As a campus we have an opportunity, and arguably a responsibility, to create a safe, egalitarian space for all students. As such, Lads' mags, which participate in the subjugation and demeaning of women, have no place in a student union or campus that professes to stand for sexual equality.
This campaign is not advocating censorship, nor the removal of free speech, but simply trying to contribute to an environment of equality and remove the sexualisation of women from our learning environment. We argue that such magazines contribute to the oppression of women and thus restricts their freedom of choice.
The Queen Margaret Union has already taken the step to stop the sale of lads' mags in their shop which we gratefully acknowledge. We call on the rest of Glasgow University to recognise the sexist nature of such magazines and remove them as one step towards a more socially inclusive University.