Kelcie Baker 0

Make Giant African Land Snails Legal in US!

113 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Kelcie Baker 0 Comments
113 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Considered an invasive species, Giant African Land Snails are illegal in the U.S! These pets are not only friendly, but majestic, intriguing, and a learning tool! Currently they ARE legal in the U.K., it is ridiculous that they are not legal here, and due to this law over 50 pets were seized from homes in LA alone! A member of someone's family taken away! These gorgeous creatures should NOT be any more illegal than the exotic birds or reptiles commonly kept throughout America! Help us by signing today, and allowing a beautiful animal to be introduced not only as a learning tool for schools, but as a new family member for millions!

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