Make Lima's 5&20 and Doran Road Intersection Safe

A few miles east of the Lima, NY crossroads is a very dangerous intersection at Doran Road, Bragg Street (County Road 66) and State Route 5 & 20. The Town of Lima and its stakeholders are working to get the State of NY DOT, in conjunction with the Town of Lima and Livingston County, to reconstruct the roads and to remove the hazards. Speed, visibility, and awkward road locations are all major issues causing countless near misses and at least 3-4 serious accidents per year! We don't want any more of our community members, neighbors, family members and children getting hurt here.
By signing this petition you are showing the state of NY your support to change this intersection.
For more information contact Lima Town Supervisor, Michael Falk at 585-509-1433 (email: supervisor@townoflima.org) or town resident, Elizabeth Parmelee at 585-794-9717 (email: elizabeth.parmelee@gmail.com).