Make DFO Avatars Tradable!

Sign if you support non-rare avatar pieces in DFO being individually tradable for an unlimited amount of time, and would buy more avatars from the shop if this were the case!
I love dressing up my characters and I know a lot of other people do as well! It's no wonder there are MMOs where this is the main focus. While DFO has plenty of great avatars, it's very disappointing that currently, non-rare avatars are untradable. Most avatars end up unattainable after a short period of time, and can only be traded in packages rather than piece by piece. Worst of all, players who buy too many avatars fill their inventory and cannot get any more. Other games have already demonstrated that these restrictions are not necessary to keep people buying new avatars!
I certainly would be buying way more if trading had less limits, and I know I'm not alone! Having more avatar options available through a more robust trading system would even get more people into the game who are primarily interested in dressing up characters. You could trade these avatars in Nexon DFO and can currently do so in KDNF, so why not in DFOG?