Walt Sayre 0

Make Crawford Field available for other school sports

276 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Walt Sayre 0 Comments
276 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Currently in Saint Albans High there are several sports and band relegated to playing varsity games on a field that is either, sub-par in terms of regulation size and safety. Or within a small window of time to accommodate daylight since they do not have lights. We are asking the board to instruct school officials to allow other students use of Crawford Field, a public and community property.

This actually causes a lack of attendance especially with visiting teams since parents can't make an early game, as well as local parents.

In addition the field used now behind the high school, presents many problems with ADA act and disabled accessibility. Currently several schools in the area allow multi sport use of their football field.

We ask that you sign this petition to present our issues to the Kanawha County School Board, and help to include all students and athletes in use of public property

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