Tia Chowdury 0

Make buy/sell of domesticated/wildlife animals ilegal.

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(1) Foreign animals, mainly cats, dogs and birds, are imported into Bangladesh. These breeds cost thousands / lakhs of taka. This money is sent abroad, mainly India, hence money laundering is involved.

(2) There is already an over-population of cats and dogs.

(3) Breeders normally breed by forcefully holding the female, and encouraging the male to have sexual intercourse with her.

(4) Dogs and cats are often bred in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions, without adequate food, water or veterinary care. This is exhaustive for the female.

(4) Many breeders breed dogs who are related to each other - which can cause life-threatening genetic defects.

(5) Often breeders cross breed foreign breeds with local breeds. The puppies, kittens, hatchlings, etc. that do not have good traits are usually thrown away - and die. Those with the good traits are sold to the public, primarily through retail pet stores in Katabon. Hence, people buy foreign breeds - leaving our local breeds out on the streets.

(6) Taking a wild animal, especially a bird - that should be free to fly, from its natural habitat, and placing it in a cage is not humane.

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