Help Protect our Lands and Maintain Low Density Residential
We are petitioning to maintain the Future Land Use as LOW
DENSITY RESIDENTIAL on the South Side of 427 to preserve the existing rural
characteristics and manage urban sprawl.
The proposed use of Plan Development for the use of townhomes is
nonconforming and conflicting with zoning for the area. All parcels currently surrounding this
location are zoned A-1 with Estate Homes, Horse Farms, Rural Type Businesses
(Tree Trimmer, Irrigation and Dog Trainer) and Churches. Townhomes or Multifamily homes on the South
Side of 427 in the Reagan Center Project cannot be approved due to the negative
environmental and economic impacts on the surrounding communities.
Maintain A-1 Zoning on Parcel Number: 23-20-30-300-010F-0000
We have until March 24th to get as many signatures as we can. Thanks!