Maintain Innovation Academy as it was Intended !
Innovation Academy of NE Tennessee, a school that many consider to be one of the best STEM schools in the country and is the only school to be awarded the Apple Distinguished Program Award for two years consecutively, has been voted by the Sullivan County Board of Education to be moved to Holston Middle School to be a "school within a school". Be downsized and to not continue adding a grade a year through 12th grade as was originally planned. This decision risks losing the school's grant money, technology and equipment already paid for by the grant money, the current curriculum and the majority of the current staff.
We as the undersigned parents and supporters of Innovation Academy of NE Tn. demand that Innovation Academy remain as it was originally intended and to add a grade a year through grade 12 as planned. We believe the proposal to move grades 6-8 to Holston Middle School and not to add the additional grades as planned will be detrimental to the quality and integrity of the program and will eventually result in the schools demise. We believe that the demise of the program would result in poor quality STEM programs at other schools. We believe it is possible to find additional funding from outside sources to keep IA on its intended course and that these options have not been properly explored. We want to be given the oppourtunity to prove that funding is available before the school is moved.
Please feel free to visit the school website and read about the great things happening there that would surely be compromised if the Board of Education gets their way.