Keep Cortesi at Madison
The purpose of this petition is to let Mr. Callahan, Prinicipal of Madison School, know how valuable Mr. Joe Cortesi, Physical Education Teacher, is to the Madison Community. Because of the recent District budget crisis, Mr. Cortesi's position at Madison is in jeopardy. If you believe he should remain at Madison, please sign the attached petition. It is electronic so PLEASE PASS IT ON! I can say, with complete certainty, that if you ask your children about Mr. Cortesi, his teachings, his style and his dedication, you will hear resounding positive feedback. He is the recipient of numerous awards and district-wide grants. Awards; -2008 Young professional of the year from Northeaster District of Illinois -2008 IAHPERD (Illinois Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance) -Young professional of the year for the state of Illinois -2008 Distinguished Teacher of the Year for CUSD200 Grants (writer of): -$12,000 DuPage ROE Fitness Initiative Grant for District-Wide DDR System -$1,000 Bosu / Storage Rack -$1,000 X-Games Equit (Lacrosse / Frisbee Golf) -$500 Bag Toss / Bean Bags (Constructed 12 Boards with madison Logo) In addition, he has instituted, Lacrosse, Golf, Roller Skating, Field Day and Running Club into the curriculum. Programs which our children look forward to and immensely enjoy. We thank you in advance for your support. If we do not speak out, we could lose a very valuable asset to our children’s education.