Sound Pollution in Madhyamgram, 24 Parganas (N)
Asit K Banerjee 0

Sound Pollution in Madhyamgram, 24 Parganas (N)

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To The Chief Minister West Bengal Writers' Building Kolkata-700001 Copy to: Minister-in-Charge & Chairman, Pollution Control Board, West Bengal Government Sound pollution in Madhyamgram, 24 Parganas (N) is a regular event. And police is absolutely inert. Even after repeated phone calls from local residents two so-called 'Cultural Functions' continued till the wee hours of the next morning in Bankimpally and Bireshpally locality of this town on 30th September and 1st October. This is not some stray incident. This is a routine in this part of the state. Senior members of our families and infants and children are the most suffering ones. As very humble and peace-loving citizens we just demand our nights' sleep and rest and nothing more. Can you Sir be kind enough to assure us about these very humble demands.

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