Macleans Green Thumb Policy Introduction 2024

Hi There, we are a group of Year 13 Social Studies students searching to find change with regard to Macleans College's waste management policies. As of right now, our school has no policy in place concerning waste, however, we are looking to change this for the near future to ensure sustainable recycling and waste disposal. Through signing our petition (which you can do so anonymously) you show your interest for Macleans Implementing our proposed, 'Macleans Green Thumb Policy 2024', this policy will entail:
- Ensuring our school recycles accordingly
- Introducing organised waste bins throughout common rooms
- Ensuring each faculty at Macleans deals with waste accordingly
With regards to the ethical concerns that trouble our campaign, signatures can be revoked at any time per the signers request. Please email 20022@student.macleans.school.nz if this concerns you. Thanks