Mackintosh Reimagined

The aim of this initiative is to organize a festival in the now empty Mackintosh's Library, which would manifest the spirit of the Glasgow School of Art as a hub of creativity. It should happen before the library is reinstated again. Students would be free to take over the space, and express its creative potential for the coming generation of artists. The interventions would be temporary, and would offer new perspectives on the architectural masterpiece, without scaring away the advocates of restoration.
The festival would ideally last one year, when the rest of the building is brought into use, but the space, where the library used to be would remain empty.
This empty space would be reimagined over the year by students and would offer space for a variety of things.
As for example:
Art, Design, and Architecture Installations, Student-run bar, Cinema, Gym, Garden,
Workshop, Hi-tech space, Concerts, Modern library,
All of the transformations will involve students of GSA. To gather proposals we plan to organise a student call-outs, besides which we would like to involve the means within the curriculum, such as dissertation briefs etc.
We recognise several reasons, why this should happen:
1. Gesture
To offer Mackintosh’s library to students of the school would be a very powerful symbolic act, which would show that the students and their creativity are the most valuable assets, which the school poses.
2. Learning opportunity
As all the events during the Mackintosh Reimagine Festival would be initiated and organised by students at the school, it would function as a great learning possibility for the students. They would not only be given a chance to explore and investigate a unique space, but they would also be given experience inorganisationand curation of larger events and activities.
3. Architectural Discussion
The event of the fire has risen many questions regarding what must be done with the damaged Mackintosh building. Whether to reinstate, recreate or remain. Obviously
it is not possible to execute all of them. We believe that the festival’s
temporary installations would significantly contribute to this discussion,
attract wide public and raise their interest in the problem. People from
around the world would be given the opportunity to see the Mackintosh’s
space reimagined by coming generation of architects, designers and
artists, who display their visions and ideas. The artists would be stripped
of all the outer influences, and thus they might be more challenging,
innovative and thought-provoking than the design, which will finally be
4. Unique opportunity
Mackintosh’s Art School is over one-hundred-year-old, and a historically
acclaimed building. Because of its value it is almost sure that it will
be conserved by any means at the best condition possible and all
necessary actions will be taken to prevent similar events as was the
tragic event of fire. The inevitable preservation of the building makes today’s situation unique and
the festival is an unique answer tailored for this moment. We believe that
to make an one-year-long pause in the restoration of the Library for the
purpose of exploring this opportunity, which will never repeat again
is worth it. Especially, when we consider what one year means in the
lifespan of an immortal building.
With the Mackintosh Reimagined we can create a specific and memorable mark in the history of the building and the school, which will probably not repeat again. Thus it is necessary to act now.
Mackintosh Reimagined is a proposal developed by two students and aims to offer an unique opportunity for all students of GSA. Only a wide spread support among students can make this amazing event happen.
Please support!