Denny Gil 0

Lunch Breaks for EMS

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Lunch Break

•To provide lunch breaks for 8hr/16 hr shifts

Why is this important?

This is very important to all FDNY- EMS .
Working hard for the people and saving lives everyday is our life, our love, our passion. It takes an amazing individual to wake up each and everyday to save the lives of those in need. These are just some of many reasons why it is so important and crucial that we get to have a designated lunch break.

*Improves mental well being of workers- stress is very common in this line of work. So stepping away to take a breather helps with the overall stressful situations we often face.

*Increases Productivity- with designated lunch breaks ; all employees will regain focus and energy for the next job.

*Your brain needs the fuel- The brain is an energy Hungry organ. The food we consume and how often it’s consumed can affect the brains functions.

All FDNY- EMS are true heroes who deserve the very best.

The people

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