Bring Metropolis Coffee back to our cups!
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As members of the Loyola Community, we stand together in supporting Metropolis coffee as our coffee vendor for our dinning services. Coffee and students have a very intimate relationship during long periods of cramming and sleep deprivation. It is what fuels us to get up for the 8:15 Monday morning core class and fuels us to fully utilize the Information Commons’ 24-hours of operation.
We should have a say in our coffee.
We have been a school that proudly promoted Metropolis as a business partner and a neighbor. Metropolis houses hundreds of Loyola students in their café that is steps away from Lakeshore campus. Students are consider Metropolis as a member of the Loyola community. "The relationship of love is mutual, between coffee provider and the caffeine craving students. So it was insulting for our dinning provider, Aramark, to report that “The recognition of the very popular Starbuck's name will be very exciting for the students”. Clearly Aramark didn’t speak to a Loyola student before making such a devastating decision.
Starbucks is the largest coffeehouse company in the world, with 18,887 stores in 55 countries, including over 12,500 in the United States.
Metropolis has one café located 1039 West Granville Avenue, Chicago, Il. 60660
Who do you think cares about our business more?
The Metropolis Coffee Philiosphy “A coffee house should be a neighborhood center. It should be equally a place to relax as a place to plan a revolution. Each bean and tea leaf is sourced with two groups of people in mind: the people that taste them, and the farmers that grow them…Our coffee aesthetic is rooted in the belief that great coffee comes from a line of respect beginning with the farmers and their respect for their land. We, in turn, respect the farmers by paying fair prices for their harvest, and respect our customers by taking great care in the roasting and brewing our coffees, and in blending our teas. Respect is at the core of our coffee philosophy, and taste is paramount.”
Loyola has made efforts to not “brand” our campus and supporting Starbucks is seen as a huge step in the opposite direction.
The Loyola Mission
We are Chicago's Jesuit Catholic University-- A diverse community seeking God in all things And working to expand knowledge in the service of humanity through learning, justice and faith.
Let’s hold our university accountable and demand to bring Metropolis Coffee back to our cups!