"Preserve the Herd" at Lords Park Zoo
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed
just now
Adam B. signed
just now
To: CITY of ELGIN, Illinois USA
Visitors to the Zoo and Residents of Elgin have the right to stop this process from evicting the Bison, Elk and Deer and closure of the Zoo permanently. We have a right to ensure our voice is heard - the supporters of historic Lords Park want to work towards responsible, viable and smart decisions for the future of our animals and zoo property.
Everyday, since late 2008, disappointed families visit Lords Park Zoo to be greeted by locked gates and only a glimpse behind the fence to view the resident Bison, Elk and Deer. The City of Elgin has already cut the 2009 and 2010 budgets for the Baby Farm Animal exhibit at the zoo refusing offers of corporate sponsorship to keep the gates open during the summer for programming and usage by a variety of groups, visitors, residents, etc. Although there is a new Lords Park Task force meeting on 1st and 3rd Tuesday since July to look at budget items for the park holistically - there are persistant rumors about City plans to cut all funding for maintenance, labor, animal care and feeding at Lords Park Zoo for 2011 and beyond.
Visitors to the Zoo and Residents of Elgin have the right to stop this process from evicting the Bison, Elk and Deer and closure of the Zoo permanently. We have a right to ensure our voice is heard - the supporters of historic Lords Park want to work towards responsible, viable and smart decisions for the future of our animals and zoo property.
The resident Bison have been living at Lords Park for over 90 years, and do not deserve to be evicted from their home because of short-sighted budgetary concerns. Lords Park was a gift to the city and its residents 115 years ago, our group is working to save the integrity of the park, it's animals and programs - while working to make the property viable to the citizens of Elgin in 2010 and beyond.
We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our Elgin City Manager, Mayor and City Council Leaders to "act now" to save the integrity of Lords Park Zoo in Elgin, Illinois by:
- Saving our resident Bison herd from eviction due to budgetary constraints in 2011
- Accept the funds raised by "Friends of Lords Park Zoo Inc." for Bison Pen improvements in 2010 (as committed to in an April Memo from the City Manager agreeing to match funding up to 25k for such a task)
- Accept volunteer donations and corporate/private sponsorships to care and feed our resident animals and summer Farm Animal programs in 2011 and beyond
- Keep the gates open and accessible to the public in 2011 and beyond
- Continue to support Lords Park Community Garden project within the Farm Zoo that will feed the hungry in Elgin's shelters and food pantries with fresh locally grown organic produce
- Accept volunteer help and support to maintain the property and programs within Lords Park and the Zoo property
- Creating Sustainable Living education and outreach programs within the Farm Zoo area, Community Garden, Natural Prairies and Bison exhibit for the residents of Elgin
The Undersigned
Concerned Citizens who are fans of the ZOO and preserving the unique heritage in LORDS PARK (including 100+ year-old museum, lagoons, trees, etc)