Lower Gas and Food prices
Linda Bizarro 0

Lower Gas and Food prices

35 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Linda Bizarro 0 Comments
35 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We the people demand that gas and food prices be reduced. While Exxon/Mobil announce record high profits, the working class people are struggling to keep a roof over their head and food on their tables! We are forced to pay record high prices for gas to go to our jobs (If we\'re fortunate enough to have one) to make money to pay record high prices for food and hopefully have enough money left over to pay for a roof over our heads. Not to mention the high cost to heat our homes and health insurance. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! It\'s time as Americans we stand up for ourselves and hold our elected officials responsible to represent those of us that voted them in to office. It has come to a point that it takes all we make just to survive! Please sign this petition, at which time it hits 1000 signatures I will forward to The President of the United States. E-mail your Congressman and let them know how you feel about this! Find e-mail addresses for your Congressman here: http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/ http://www.congress.org/congressorg/home/ Please have your friends and family sign this petition. THERE\'S POWER IN NUMBERS!!!!


Just an American tired of government leading us like sheep to the slaughter!
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