Lower the prices for walker stalker con!
Charlotte Wright 0

Lower the prices for walker stalker con!

60 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Charlotte Wright 0 Comments
60 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

I think the prices for walker stalker con which is a convention where we can meet the cast of the walking dead is heavily over priced. The owner says that it is the management of the cast members that choose the prices of the photo ops and autographs yet the cast go to other conventions and the prices are half the price. As a 17 year ago, at college and with a part time job who adores and loves the walking dead cast because they've helped me through a lot, I think the prices of walker stalker con are ridiculous especially when this is the only chance we have to meet out favourite people in the world! Please sign this petition and help us try and lower the prices for walker stalker con even though the owner won't agree with this.

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