Lower the prices at the Woodlawn canteen

The prices concerning the purchase of consumable products available for purchase in St John's Woodlawn Cafeteria (AKA 'Piddy's Place"), are grossly overpriced, and to put it simply, absolutely outrageous. Quite frankly, as a student, and a human being (falling in to the low to no income bracket) and given the current global financial situation, the prices are a travesty, and given this, I find them to be boarder line offensive. It feels, to me personally, as if there is some sort of class warfare being declared on my peers and I.
Given the majority of staff working in the cafeteria are on a volunteer basis, and the maintenance staff are also employed elsewhere in the college, I find the minimal overheads unable to justify the exuberant prices displayed on food items. I would propose a 30% decrease in all products available for purchase (excluding items below a 100 cent threshold) by close of business Friday June 5, 2015.