Lower minimum acreage requirements for backyard chicken keeping in Newberry Township!
We'd like to ask our township to consider lowering the minimum acreage requirements for keeping a small chicken flock for personal use. The current land requirement in our ordinence is 2 acres, in some areas it is 5 acres. This excludes a large part of our community from being able to have chickens for their own family's use. We'd like to show the township that it is possible to effectively and cleanly manage a small backyard flock on as little as a quarter acre. Even if you specifically aren't interested in chicken keeping, please consider signing if you wouldn't mind your neighbor having a few laying chickens in an enclosed coop. They provide sustainability, control bug populations, lower food and yard waste by eating leftovers and weeds, and help educate our children about where their food comes from while inspiring awareness of animal welfare (having happy chickens and not supporting large production chicken farming.) Caring for them is cheap and easy, and waste can be composted for your gardens. Please show support for this change in our community! Thank you!