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This petition is to encourage Elected Officials to implement a low cost spay/neuter clinic in Hood County. Hood County is inundated with dog and cat over population. Many animals are disgarded in remote areas only to suffer and die or breed and procreate multiple times adding to the problem of over population. With the implement of a spay/neuter clinic the general public will have a low cost alternative and be more inclined to have their pet sterilized which will reduce the amount of unwanted and disgarded animals.
The Texas Coalition for Animal Protection is a well known low cost clinic which will come into Hood County and supply everything needed to set up a clinic. The ONLY requirement is a hosting facility. The hosting facility needs air conditioning, heat and running water. For more details go to
PLEASE sign the petition below in support of implementing a spay/neuter clinic in Hood County such as The Texas Coalition for Animal Protection.
Information about the proposed Spay/Neuter Program:
The Texas Coalition for Animal Protection understands the budgetary constraints of both municipal animal shelters and private animal welfare organizations. Our shelter spay program is designed to be both simple and effortless for Texas shelters.
Basic Shelter Spay Program details include:
TCAP provides all surgery equipment, staff and supplies.
TCAP schedules all appointments through an established toll-free number.
TCAP handles all receipts and record keeping.
TCAP sterilizes shelter pets awaiting adoption as requested by the animal shelter.
Your organization provides us a location to work.
The community provides pets and reimburses TCAP for services received.
While TCAP encourages the entire community's participation in this program, we do realize that some communities desire the sterilization of only shelter and low-income pets. TCAP is happy to discuss this option with you more fully to meet your community's needs and will help draft program guidelines as necessary.
TCAP is prepared to meet with City Councils, City Managers or whomever individual organizations deem appropriate to help answer additional questions about this program. TCAP can have the staff in place to begin a shelter spay program at your shelter within a matter of days. TCAP can readily provide professional references. We would also welcome your visit to our program in Denton, Texas that has sterilized more than 24,000 pets since November 2002.
TCAP's Denton program works with area animal shelters and countless animal welfare groups. TCAP also co-hosts satellite programs in Azle, Cleburne, Hamilton, Hillsboro and McKinney.
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