Love Your Enemy Day (3/31)
Jesus said that we should love our enemies, he didn't say that we had to like them or be friends with them, just to love them. I propose that March 31st be made into "Love Your Enemy Day". I am circulating this petition to get support for this and eventually will submit it to the powers that be at the state and national levels.
This day would be a day for everyone to do something nice for one or more of your "enemies". It could be as much as saying a prayer for them, sending them an anonymous card, sending a gift, saying something nice about them, doing something nice for them, etc. I KNOW this is not something easy for any of I will explain how and why I am chosing to celebrate this day. There have been many people in and out of my life that have hurt me greatly over the years. One of my greatest days of hurt fell on March 31, 2007. I decided that the hurt was not going to consume me on this day ever again...instead I would let the hurt drive me to do something else, what Jesus and God would want me to do; I would do something nice for my enemies. I understand that this is very hard for many to accept, and you don't have to be a Christian to do it...anyone can do it...Jew, Muslim, non-believer, ANYONE...We all have enemies, but loving one's enemy makes a person stronger and promotes healing and forgiveness. That doesn't change what your "enemy" has done, but only through our kindness and consideration will we receive the same, even if not from them. Please join me today. Please join me in making March 31st a national day- a day to remember what Jesus taught us, a message that can apply to ALL....LOVE YOUR ENEMY.