David Holland 0

Love Sudbury

11 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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11 people have signed. Add your voice!
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We the undersigned, call upon Suffolk County Council to conduct a thorough redevelopment of the Local Transport Plan 2011 - 2031 as it applies to the town of Sudbury, Suffolk. We reject the proposed shared space scheme for the town centre as an economically detrimental and more widely inappropriate development. We call for all future traffic schemes in Sudbury to be developed in light of comprehensive assessments of their wider economic and other impacts. We believe that the development of all future transport schemes for the town should be informed by effective public consultation on the proposals and that the consultation must be informed by the Highways department bringing forward a credible need case, a range of options to fulfil the need plus assessments of wider impacts of the options on the town.”

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