Love Nikki Boycott 2021
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LN Boycott Demands 4/14/21
We appreciate that there have been some chances on the server and the way that we get events and such but still, we feel like the treatment is not fair.
Respect and communication
- The LN server is not treated with the same level of respect as the CN server. Other servers have a way to communicate directly with game developers in order to express discomfort about situations in the game (SC incidents).
- We mostly get ambiguous answers / replies on FB and some “surveys” about the suits on the official FB group. We deserve to be treated with more respect.
- Ignoring your player base is irresponsible and we are fed up with this model.
- Clear statement about certain events, specifically 4 Gods
- It's understandable that surprise is advantageous from a business perspective. However, we need a clear answer on whether we should keep waiting for 4 Gods, or whether this event will never come to our server. If 4 Gods will never come to our server, please give us some clear reasoning for this decision.
- A fair lineup of recharge suits for every event.
- A recharge lineup that can match the price of the event running alongside it.
- Recharge lineups that do not duplicate / combine suits. If you choose to recycle recharge lineups, please bring them (in their original form) to Back to Past. This is to prevent any discrepancies for people who already have some of them.
- Specific information about when/if we are going to get a debut hell event.
Quality of Life
- Free suits: we expect to get caught up on free suits (there are many CN free suits that LN has not received yet).
- Permanent Hell feature
- Or an accurate timeline for when we can expect this feature on our server
- Starry Corridor Update: we would like better ways to interact with one another. A filter or blocking option.
- Or an accurate timeline for when we can expect this feature on our server
- Crafting: bring back old suits for crafting more frequently (1-2 times a month)
- Event suits: Pure Sonata, Ms. Hesper, Butterfly Dream, etc.
- Recharge suits (for diamond crafting)
- Co-op suits: bring Co-op suits more frequently. We are very far behind CN (there are at least six suits they have that we do not) and they get new co-op suits around 3-4 per year.
- HD: updated graphics
- Or an accurate timeline for when we can expect this feature on our server
- Around the World: more/updated backgrounds
- Or an accurate timeline for when we can expect this feature on our server
- Confirmation buttons: specifically for permanent pavilions and Hell pavilions (e.g., “confirm you would like to spend x diamonds for x pulls?”)
- Maybe provide free pav tickets instead of a 48 hour reset (on Porch of Misty, etc.)
- Back to Past: this feature was created for buying old recharges, so use it for old recharges.
- Do not make Back to Past suits more expensive than their original recharge cost. There is no reason to make a previously 5 dollar suit worth 10 dollars just because it’s a return suit.
- Bring back older 100$ recharges (and keep them at 100 dollars!)
- Secret shop: add more suits to the secret shop at a faster rate.
- Dark Skin Tone version of existing suits poses, gloves, shoes, coats, etc.
Password related:
- Make a password recovery system
- OR provide new forms of linking (Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
- “LN is the server with the most revenue” / “We spend so much…”
LN was the highest 11th grossing Chinese mobile game in 2020, with an income of 89.644.979,48 USD, of which:
47% (42.133.140,36 USD) - international server
35% (31.375.742,82 USD) - Chinese server
9% (8.068.048,15 USD) - Japanese server
6% (5.378.698,77 USD) - Korean server
3% (2.689.349,38 USD) - Taiwanese server