Louisville Supports Single Payer

To the Honorable John Yarmuth,
This letter, initiated by Students for a National Health Program at the University of Louisville School of Medicine and Kentuckians for Single Payer Health Care, is in regards to HR 676, the Expanded & Improved Medicare for All Act. As health care professionals, students, and community members in Louisville we wanted to express our support for this bill. See our signatures below. There are countless barriers to accessing affordable and quality healthcare. These barriers leave people in dehumanizing and life-threatening situations. While the Affordable Care Act is a step in the right direction, bringing the number down to 21.3M uninsured, state governments (like Kentucky) work against the ACA’s health coverage mandate making it even difficult for people in the Commonwealth to be insured. Multiple studies from the Journal of Public Health and Institute of Medicine show how lack of insurance increases mortality risk.
We believe that health care is a human right. The only way to endow individuals with this right is through single payer health care. We need a centralized system that ensures everyone has coverage which would allow for improved access and ultimately better health outcomes. We would appreciate an open forum in Louisville or office visit with you or a staff person to discuss this issue further and identify barriers this bill faces.
Thank you for your consideration of our views on single payer health care and your support of HR 676. This issue needs to actively be pursued at a national level despite the political and financial barriers. Please continue to support this bill as we do the same.