Loudoun County Students against the $200 parking fee!

Dear Loudoun County Board of Education and Administration,
Loudoun County Public School's parking fee is too much! Everyone understands that schools are tight on cash. However, leeching money out of the students to make money is completely unacceptable. A $200 fee for an empty parking lot is too much! For many students, buses come very late in the morning and students have after school activities, leaving them no option but to drive.Why should LCPS students pay for the option to drive because of lackluster bus services? From a student's viewpoint, they are suffering from both options: the bus services are poor and LCPS is preventing students from parking their cars.
The Board of Directors say, "It is a privilege to park your car, not a right." That is true, but in the same way sitting in the cafeteria is a "privilege". Our parent's tax dollars built these schools and parking lots, why should we pay a fee to access them? If LCPS is tight on cash, it should make the parking fee $25-$50 or a more reasonable price. Not only will that encourage more students to buy a parking ticket, but also be a more just and fair fee for students. At the very least, Loudoun County should consult both parents and students before assigning expensive and unnecessary fees. Sign the petition so we can bring a normal and reasonable fee for students!