Would You Like to See Safer Conditions for Bikes on LOVR?
andres eulate 0

Would You Like to See Safer Conditions for Bikes on LOVR?

115 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
andres eulate 0 Comments
115 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

The County is planning to resurface and restripe Los Osos Valley Road (LOVR) as early as mid-May. As part of this project, many Los Osos residents are interested in improving conditions for kids, commuters, recreational cyclists and others to safely ride bikes through Los Osos on LOVR.

A preliminary concept includes adding buffered bike lanes on both sides of the street from Los Osos Creek to Bush Drive, potentially designated with a green color similar to some of SLO's green lanes. Currently, there are no striped bike lanes between Fairchild and Bush and the shoulder parking is underutilized. A buffered bike lane is a regular bike lane with painted double lines between the bike lane and the vehicular travel lane. For more information on buffered bike lanes see the state's Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices, and the National Association of City Transportation Officials Urban Bikeway Design Guide.

If you support safer conditions for cyclists on LOVR, please sign this petition!

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