Local 987 AFGE 0

Locality pay for Robins AFB employees

17 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Local 987 AFGE 0 Comments
17 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Despite our best efforts to convey the importance of voting for locality pay for our members and their families, our requests have fallen on the deaf ears of our elected officials. For the past five years we have met with them and expressed the importance of the Atlanta Locality pay scale. We are now at an inflection point as employees and it is time to send a loud and clear message to those who have ignored our needs. We must come together as one voice in holding them accountable to the people that elected them into office. We can no longer whisper. That time has passed. We must speak with one voice. They can no longer ignore our plight of this being a hot button issue for so many of us. To date, all we have gotten is an affirmative nodding of the head where they agree in principle, but their nods haven’t translated into action. It’s always been: The next session the measure will be taken up. Congress and senators have continuously denied our requests for pay equality for the hardworking men and women in the depot. The lack of action on their part has severely affected the quality of life of our members, nonmembers and their families. We are living in one of the most volatile fiscal environments of the past 20 years. This volatility has adversely affected your purchasing power and will continue to do so if we don’t make our voices heard.

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