"Lloyd's Law"
Lloyd’s Law
Abolishing Homelessness and Providing Housing to every American!
This petition calls for Congress to consider creating a new law in the legislative process, providing housing to every American, ending homelessness and protecting anyone on disability or social security from an eviction or court action for any reason, under certain circumstances. It also seeks to eliminate homelessness all together. Through consolidating many state funded programs and creating a federally funded program to eliminate the condition of homelessness and all the problems that come with it. If Social Security is their only source of income and medical premiums are suddenly taken out, then they are protected. This is to ensure no one becomes homeless as a result of this action. By ending homelessness as much as we can it also good for the health care process, it seeks to limit the need for health insurance by targeting the source. Food, clothing and shelter should be a promise to all American's and people all over the world. This is preservation of the quality of life, leading to a more happy life. If people are happy there will be less problems in our communities, such as crime, hunger and homelessness, we'll be eliminating many issues, such as loitering and trespassing issues that come with the condition of being homeless! HUD and the Dept of Justice should be aware of the effects of natural disasters such as Katrina and Sandy and the results of FEMA and the impact it has made on so many people. As I was reading many articles I saw that these tent communities were set up as modern day concentration camps. These people were left homeless and felt like how my everyday life is, how can this be? Food, clothing shelter are the basics that should always be valid for everyone, all the time and everywhere! I feel this is one of the most important issues facing our nation and this should be taken seriously as an epidemic. This is a crisis, how can we have our Veterans become homeless after serving this great nation? Now is the time for this petition to get it's time on the table for discussion!
For the most part of 2012 I was homeless due to a rental problem and legal matter, this is what made me write up the petition to send to my elected officials, senators and members of Congress, so the debate can be on the table for discussion and make a new law that will put an end to homelessness, the several programs they have out now are not enough. More needs to be done, through law to protect the most vulnerable population of society. I have been getting responses expressing support for this proposed new law I'm fighting for. I'll talk to the Secretary of HUD Shaun Donovan about my vision, then continue to get as many signatures on this petition as I can get. I'll need a few members of Congress to sponsor my petition and then generate some debate on why this is a matter of a crisis, homelessness is a epidemic and if we are to be the great nation we talk about being then we must look to the welfare of the people. There is a way for both Democrats and Republicans, the high and the low, the rich and the poor to find common ground and all come together and work together for the common good of all people. This is what I believe in!!!
This is my grassroots effort at a campaign to urge congress to consider this petition I wrote up, it's to have a new law made, a new law that will promise no American will go without food, clothing and a home! At first I thought it to be aimed at Abolishing evictions under certain circumstances as a way to eliminate homelessness but I see it's impact is much more important then that alone. Everything is connected, there is a domino effect. Under "Lloyd's Law" it's one step to the rebuilding of our nation(WE THE PEOPLE). The restoration of liberty as our founding fathers knew it to be during the time the constitution and declaration of independence was penned! NOTE: There will be a few slight revisions and amendments to this proposed law, thanks for all your support and let's rebuild our nation under "WE THE PEOPLE" and "Lloyd's Law" is just one more step in that process!!!
One of the most important aspects of Congress is developing, making, and monitoring laws. New laws are created every week. Member's of Congress are involved in sponsoring and drafting legislation about issues that are important to you!
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government"
Here is the Facebook page devoted to promoting this petition......
If we took care of homelessness and cover that as a Federal Law for everyone then the impact will change everything else, like Health Care costs will go down, Crime will go down, you wont see loitering that comes with being homeless as a result of being evicted, it's inhumane to let human life go without food, clothing and shelter, Under "Lloyd's Law', all people will be safe in their own homes or dwellings!
Let's make Homelessness a thing of the past in America