Validate the Lower Loudoun Little League 2011 Annual BOD Election Results

Members and the boundary community of Lower Loudoun Little League (The League) request a full accounting of the election processes and detailed disclosure results, including the certification by Little League Virginia District 16 and Little League Southeastern Region, for The League's October 20, 2011 election of the Board of Directors (BOD).
As The League BOD election results were released at 8:00PM EST on October 24, 2011, the petitioners named below request the disclosure to be posted on The League’s website no later than Wednesday October 26 at 4:00PM EST.
Fair elections are about the right to oversee and validate. You should not have to "trust" in anyone else's word.
Election Procedures should, at a minimum, include the following:
- Pre-meeting Disclosure
- Board of Directors Nomination disclosure and process
- Absentee Ballot disclosure and process
- Eligible Voter validation process
- Ballot counting and reconciliation processes
- Ballot handling and chain of custody processes
Election Results should, at a minimum, include the following:
- Log of all ballots received
- The number of ballots cast at the LLLL Annual Meeting
- The number of ballots cast absentee
- The total number of voted ballots reconciled to the number of voters who voted
- The total of the number of people who signed the meeting sign in sheet reconciled to the total of the number of ballots cast
- The name of each candidate receiving votes and the total number of votes received