Lizano-Sossa Family

Help stop the deportation of the Lizano-Sossa Family. The two Toronto High School Students from Dante Alighieri Academy who were taken out of their school by immigration officials. This sister and brother whose family is originally from Costa Rica were taken out of their respective Grade 9 and Grade 10 classes. Friends, teachers and the principal watched as the students were taken away to the Immigration Holding Area. Not only were these children traumatized but so were all the other children who attend the school. This does not only apply to the Lizano-Sossa Family but all the families being deported from Canada, all the children being pulled out while they are in school all the families who now live in fear. If immigration enforcement agents are allowed to go into schools and make these community spaces unsafe - then no child will be able to pursue education in Canada without fear of detention and deportation. Granting citizenship to a privileged few is very wrong. What ever happened to the