BallenIsles Small Dog Park Petition
We, the signers of this petition believe the residents of BallenIsles, who have small dogs, need a place where their dogs can run and play with other small dogs. The existing dog park, located near the Northlake Blvd. entrance, is great for the bigger dogs. They have lots of room to run with each other, but when the little dogs come to play, the big dogs intimidate them because of their size and power. We would like to propose that BallenIsles create a Small Dog Park located at the west end of the neighborhood park located on East Island Drive. It doesn't need to be but half the size of the "big dog park" and the fence wouldn't need to be more than three feet tall. A covered area, picnic table and fresh drinking water is also a necessity. Please type in your name and forward on to other small dog owners who believe this is a great idea! Thanks, Liza Sarinsky, BallenIsles Resident and small dog owner