List More Positive Synonyms for the Word
Kanako Otani 0

List More Positive Synonyms for the Word "Introvert"

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From synonyms, we can see how many people regard each word. Currently, many dictionaries raise many negative synonyms for the word "introvert," for example, "timid," "mousy," "diffident," and so on. In fact, only extroverts are favored in today's society, and introverts are treated as rude or weird people just because they are not good at communicating with others. We must accept both extroverts and introverts.

To do so, we ask that your dictionaries:

list more positive synonyms for the word "introvert," for example, "considerate" or "modest." the number of positive synonyms of "introvert" is almost equal to the number of its negative synonyms so that readers can judge the word "introvert" from both positive and negative aspects.

Dictionaries are one of the ways for people to learn new vocabulary, so this will be the first step to change our negative perception against introverts.

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