Petition to limit hours of new establishments coming into previous restaurants/bars and to deny new licenses to establishments not previously a restau

The blocks of West 10th Street between 6th Avenue & Bleecker St are already over-run by establishments with liquor licenses. The recent proliferation of new bars and restaurants in our neighborhood has led to an exponential increase in crime, traffic, excessive noise and trash. Another licensed establishment will only exacerbate a severely deteriorating quality of life for our neighborhood. Traffic is already a tremendous issue because of the M8 bus route and parking, which is permitted on both sides of the narrow street to accommodate FDNY staff. Traffic regularly gets backed up to Seventh Avenue as taxis stop in the middle of the street to serve bar patrons and car services linger despite the no parking signs — generating excessive noise and honking well into the early morning hours. An already trying situation is made potentially dangerous for the firefighters, who have difficulty pulling their trucks in and out of the traffic. Trash is another growing, unsightly problem. Because we do not have alternate side parking, the Department of Sanitation is not able to clean our street with their mechanical brushes. Every night, these licensed establishments leave a significant amount of trash on our narrow footpaths, often for days at a time, resulting in a big increase in the amount of waste, broken glass and rats on our street. As residents of the neighborhood, we strongly oppose another restaurant with a liquor license opening on our already over-saturated blocks. On a daily basis, inebriated and loud patrons spill out on the sidewalks from the over 20 restaurants, bars, lounges and clubs already in business in our neighborhood. Another liquor license can only mean more noise, more cigarette butts, more garbage, more drunken brawls, more impeded traffic on our streets and continued interference with the ability of our Firehouse to respond to emergency situations. For situations where denial of a new liquor license for a restaurant/bar is not an option please consider that this is still a residential neighborhood. 4 am closings are unreasonable! Please keep this in mind when considering licenses for 152 West 10th Street, 230 West 4th St and 189 West 10th St (alternate address 234 West 4th Street.) Thank you.