Brandy Musick-Stover 0


181 signers. Add your name now!
Brandy Musick-Stover 0 Comments
181 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

It was said that kids 9 and under was never to wear a mask yet they did in school and not required anywhere else and I feel if it has been lifted within our state as well as many others parents should have the final say when it comes to their children I feel voluntary is a better option for everyone involved. Parents who want their kids to wear a mask fine that is their choice if they do not than that is a chocie as well they have rights and it seems they are forcing this on everyone. Parents and communities may not all agree but there are many who do feel enough is enough and I'm taking a stand for not only my kids but other families who have concerns and are not sure what to do. If parents all pulled their kids out of school then what would happen to the jobs in which the BOE all currently have exactly no-one would be needed. SO I feel it's time to stand up for our kids! Also if kids can go everywhere else mask free besides school what sense does that make is school the only place COVID19 can be contiguous now?

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