Lift Porn Ban
Anirudh Jain 0

Lift Porn Ban

22 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Anirudh Jain 0 Comments
22 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

The Government has banned Maggi...and now they have banned porn basically anything that gives us happiness in 2 minutes, ;P. Okay jokes apart , we have an Article 21[right to personal liberty] by which "no person can be deprived of his life or personal liberty", which now the government is taking away from us. The only reason according to me the porn ban will be successful is because no one will have the guts to protest or do anything about it. That is going to change, with your help and support we can lift this ban and show them that this is India where we have our freedom of expression. Don't be ashamed, heck if our politicians are shameless enough to watch it during a session than why should we be afraid. So don't be afraid and sign the petition my friend

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