Lift Honor Pass Regulations

At the Sherburne-Earlville School District in Sherburne NY, Students receive Honor Passes depending on how high their averages are. Previously, when most kids had study halls they were allowed to visit other teachers or the library with only a signed pass by your study hall monitor. New this year, only students with Honor Passes receive these privileges while others have to jump through numerous hoops just to visit the library and teachers in order to receive help on school work. This is especially unfair to the students who try their best but are still unable to meet these requirements. Only last year did the students need a hall pass signed by only their study hall monitor to be able to get help from teacher if they had free time or go to the library to complete their work in a much quieter and comforting atmosphere. The new requirements are listed below.
9th Grade-In order for a Student to obtain an Honors Pass they must be on Principals list (Average of 95% or above) and not failing any classes
10th Grade-In order for a student to obtain an Honors Pass they must be on Principals list (Average of 95% or above) or High Honors (Average of 90%-94.9%) and not failing any classes.
11th Grade-In order for a student to obtain an Honors Pass they must be on Principals list (Average of 95% or above) or High Honors (Average of 90%-94.9%) and not failing any classes.
12th Grade-Honor Roll (85%-89.9%) or High Honors (Average of 90%-94.9%) and not failing any classes or Principals list (Average of 95% or above) and not failing any classes.