Lift Dominik's 10 week school suspension!
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed
just now
Adam B. signed
just now
Dominik was suspended from Newark Central School District for 10 weeks following a physical altercation initiated by the other student involved. The other student returned to school 3 days after the event. We have appealed the suspension based on video footage but now need YOUR signature to be a voice for Dominik. Your signature is a request to the board of education to lift the suspension and allow him to return to school.
*If you are asked to donate after signing, please note that we are NOT requesting money from you and any money that is donated goes directly to support the ipetitions platform, not Dominik's cause.* You are still able to sign the petition without a donation and we would appreciate it!