LifeTouch Needs a New Spring Photo Program
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LifeTouch needs a new spring photo program. LifeTouch needs to quit taking unauthorized photos of the school kids every spring. LifeTouch shouldn't print any photos unless they were bought.
Every spring LifeTouch and the schools they serve are involved in what they call the "Family Approval" program. This program allows the company to take photos of the kids every spring without needing authorization from the parents. They then print ALL the photos of all the children and send them home with the kids. The parents are then supposed to decide what photos they want to keep and remit payment for them within 10 days. Any unwanted photos are to be returned to the school. They will then be picked up by LifeTouch and returned to their office. Another company is then called to come in and shred the photos.
It's important that as parents, that already have a lot of expenses, we not let any companies bully us or use our children as sales tactics to goad money from us.
It's inappropriate for any company or one person to take pictures of a child without the parents permission. It's wasteful, not only monetarily, but environmentally, for such a large company to mass print photos, much of which will later be destroyed because they weren't wanted in the first place.
LifeTouch does business this way, taking photos and printing them no matter what, to maximize their profits every spring. Using the children as a business tool is an immoral business practice and it needs to stop.
LifeTouch needs to rethink their Spring photo programs throughout the United States and come up with a plan that 1)isn't taking advantage of the children as their own personal business tools and 2)isn't so wasteful of resources and damaging to the environment.
If LifeTouch changes the way they do business this will allow a bond to grow between the parents and the company, as well as save them money, time, effort, resources, and help the environment. If LifeTouch chooses to see the children as children and not business tools to make money, their photography will improve and the attitudes of their photographers will improve as well.
Show LifeTouch that you don't appreciate the way they do business. Petition them to change, to be better better business people that appreciate the schools and parents and children that they work for.