Helen Ross 0

Chronic Pain:Forced to live in it.

26 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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26 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Should our government be allowed to force us to live in Chronic Pain? I am completely baffled by the lack of knowledge our current Doctors & Government have when it comes to people living in chronic pain. As of recently the State of Florida has banned the dispense of opioid medications with out a thought to what this will cause people that have been using this treatment for years & can no longer function due to pain & lack of treatment. When I heard they were cracking down on pill mills I was all for it. What I didn't know is they were going to do it with disregard to actual sick people. I do not wish my illness(s) on anyone yet these people don't even think about what will happen to us! Total disregard to human life. I can not simply sit here and say nothing, I feel a deep desire to speak up as loud as possible! If you live in chronic pain & feel you are being mistreated, misdiagnosed when it comes to management of chronic pain please sign this petition so I can forward it to our Government officials. It don't matter if we live in different states because I'm going to send this to Everyone. I pray God leads the way for me to do this as it is out of my element. But, the bottom line is I'm preparing for a long painful death & I need my treatment with opioid medication so I can try to live as functional of a life as possible. I have a husband & children & they need me for what it's worth, I'm wanting to leave happy memories, not PAINFUL Memories. How about you?


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