Motorcycle helmet stands / hooks for UK forcourts
Andy Jenno 0

Motorcycle helmet stands / hooks for UK forcourts

26 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Andy Jenno 0 Comments
26 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

As a motorcyclists we often find that we are forced to remove our helmets when filling our motorcycles with fuel. In some cases helmets can cost up to £500, yet we are persistently told we must remove them and either balance them on the seat where they can be blown off, or we must put them on the dirty floor to soak up water and spilt fuel (that can also weaken the structure of the helmet) This petition aims to make major UK fuel suppliers aware of the number of bikers this effects, and that if they persist in making us remove helmets then they need to provide somewhere clean, stable and safe for us to put helmets while we re-fuel.

Please re-share, post to forums, sites etc etc.


Morrisons UK:

Tesco UK:
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